Planets are sky object that have the following characteristics:

The planet is taken from the Greek words "Asteres Planetai 'meaning wanderer Star.
We use to have nine planet in our solar system now. But, as a result of the 26th General Conference of the International Astronomy Association in Praha, Ceko on August 14th to 27th 2006, the planetary status of Pluto was removed. Pluto doesn’t mee the requirement to be a planet due to it’s size and it’s orbit eccentricity. So, there are only eight planets on our solar system, without Pluto.
Planet has elliptical orbit (garis edar). Planet revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit. And the gravitation force between the sun and the planets hold them in their orbit. Because its elliptical orbit, the distance of planet to the sun always changes. The closest distance of the planet to the sun is called perihelion and the longest of a planet to the sun is called aphelion.
Based on their relative position to the earth orbit, planets are devided into two types. Are :
a. Interior Planets. Is the planets which are located inside the earth orbit. Those are Merkurius and Venus.
b. Superior Planets. Is the planet which are located outside the earth orbit. Those are, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Merkurius is the planet nearest from the sun.
Venus is the nearest planet from the sun after merkurius. Venus is usually called as the morning star or the evening star because it shines so brightly in the eastern sky during the sunrise or in the western sky during the sunset.
Only Earth that has atmosphere which makes the temperature on it’s surface is possible for the precence our life. Mars usually called red planet (planet merah) because the colour of this planet look like red colour. Jupiter is the biggest planets on our solar system. Saturn is only planet that has ring around its planet. Uranus and Neptunus usually called planet kembar because the colour and atmosfer look like same.
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